Tick Is an ectoparasite of the animal esp dogs. It is mostly found dog living in unsanitary area. It is a very dangerous parasite because it feeds only on blood of its host and from it, it reproduces, feeds it younger once with blood and let them continue sucking most times on the same host.
The structure that makes up it's sucking mouthpart is of great concern and most horribly, a terrifying sight to behold, much like the vampire seen in the movies, it has a short powerful sucking pipe well protected by a wedge of skin which serves as a hook to hold onto the host. At the young state (nymph), the tick is resistant to mechanical crushing force and can withstand a long moment without feeding.
Under the microscope, it looks golden beautiful, properly modified with eight legs like all other arachnoid family, but the moment it opens up its mouth, you see the very scary mouth that is most peacefully made.
When you see this, you are certain this is more dangerous than just the eyes can see or the mind imagine
Stay tuned
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